There are so many advantages of making DIY herbal supplements starting with you knowing exactly what’s going into your body and extending to the financial savings per year. Although there are many supplements readily available, it’s nothing like being able to create your own naturopathic medicine based on your specific needs and preferences. The most time-consuming part of this process is thorough research and consulting with a holistic doctor about your wellness goals. Once that is complete, the fun begins! This week’s blog is focused on Ceylon cinnamon capsules.
Ceylon cinnamon is generally considered safer than cassia or Saigon cinnamon, which is more commonly found in supermarkets. Ceylon cinnamon is sourced from Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and the Seychelles, and has a lighter, brighter, and spicier flavor than cassia. Ceylon cinnamon capsules have several health benefits, including:
Full of antioxidants which can help the body fight free radicals and lower the risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
Blood Sugar
May help support glucose metabolism and insulin response, which helps to moderate blood sugar levels making it beneficial for people with diabetes.
May help soothe the digestive tract and promote healthy digestive function.
Heart health
The anti-inflammatory properties can help blood flow through the body and reduce strain on the heart.
Brain health
May help improve how the brain responds to insulin, which could be useful for neurological conditions like Alzheimer's disease.
While Ceylon has many health benefits, there is no set dose, and high doses may cause a sensitivity in your body. It is suggested to take ½ to 1 teaspoon (2-4 grams) of powder a day. If you are on blood thinners, be sure to speak to an herbalist or your doctor before adding cinnamon to your wellness routine. With any supplement that you are introducing to your diet, I would advise you start with half the recommended dosage to see how your body responds as your body chemistry may react differently than others due to variations.
Below are a few recipes to get you started. I used the Capsule-It filling kit by Herb Affair to make my supplements, but you can also fill the capsules by hand if making small batches. Each batch size with Capsule-It yields 100 caps, and the instructions below are reflective of that.
Ceylon Cinnamon Supplement
Key Benefits of Ceylon Cinnamon: see above
Supplement Serving: 2 size 00 capsules contain ~1200mg
Directions: Weigh out 60g of powder. Pour the powder over the Capsule-It and spread evenly into each capsule. Tamp to get all powder into the capsule. Once filled, each capsule will contain approximately 600mg.
Moringa Supplement
Key Benefits of Moringa: contains 7 times more Vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas; has calcium, iron, amino acids as well as protein, which may help the body to heal and build muscle; helps boost your immune system
Supplement Serving: 2 size 00 capsules contain ~1000mg
Directions: Weigh out 50g of powder. Pour the powder over the Capsule-It and spread evenly into each capsule. Tamp to get all powder into the capsule. Once filled, each capsule will contain approximately 500mg.
Turmeric and Ginger Supplement
Key Benefits of Turmeric and Ginger: reduces inflammation in the body; may help to relieve chronic pain and digestive issues
Supplement Serving: 3 size 00 capsules contain ~1810mg (1500mg Turmeric, 300mg Ginger, and 10mg Black Pepper)
Directions: Prepare blend mixing 50g of turmeric powder, 10g ginger powder, and 0.3g black pepper. Pour the blend over the Capsule-It and tamper to ensure you get the full amount in each capsule. The density of the herb can vary depending on brand, time of year and other factors. Each capsule will contain approximately 600mg.
Irish Sea Moss Bladderwrack Burdock Root Supplement
Key Benefits of Irish Sea Moss, Bladderwrack and Burdock Combo: contains an assortment of vitamins and minerals that support bodily functions, helps to stimulate the thyroid gland to increase healthy hormonal output, detoxes the blood of heavy metals and improve organ health
Supplement Serving: 2 size 00 capsules contain ~1400mg (500mg Irish Sea Moss, 500mg Bladderwrack, 400mg Burdock)
Directions: Weigh out 25g of Irish sea moss, 25g ofBladderwrack, and 20g of Burdock root powder and mix. Spread the blend evenly over the Capsule-It and tamp if needed. Each capsule contains approximately 700mg total.
