By now we should all understand the importance of why processing hurt, releasing hurt, and forgiveness is the foundation to receive healing. Excluding any of the aforementioned during your healing journey keeps you from walking in total healing as a memory could trigger a pain that has hidden itself deep in your heart. This groundwork goes hand in hand when desiring Inner Healing.
Inner Healing is a spiritual operation, which produces healing of the soul. As discussed before, our should encapsulates our mind, will, and emotions. Inner healing is a supernatural process of partnering with Holy Spirit to reveal repressed memories that are the source of emotional pain, allowing the truth of the experience to be revealed.Through the power of God’s love, His light exposes the darkness and deception of what has been hidden, providing answers, mending the heart, and healing and restoring the broken and crushed soul to a place of wholeness.
Have you ever experienced an instance where you seem to be stuck in a cycle of negative emotions and can’t seem to break from it? Do these emotions seem to get triggered at a particular time in the year, or by a certain scent, or passing by a childhood house? Sometimes broken memories are attached to these triggers, but you can’t really piece anything together to get a better understanding of why hurt, grief, anger, insecurities, sadness, emptiness, or fearovercomes you. The wave of emotions are a result of heart wounds and trauma.
Heart wounds and trauma are the lasting effects of hurtful disturbances, shock, isolation, emotional, verbal, sexual, spiritual, mental, financial and psychological abuse or hurt that causes a person to remain stuck or broken in a particular area of their life. This prevents forward movement because the fragmented part of the individual’s soul was never healed, restored, mended and developed properly. Heart wounds can occur at any age, however some of the most damaging and lasting hurts often occur during childhood.
The process of Inner Healing requires one to be open, transparent, and vulnerable. Often times the hurt has been buried as a defense mechanism for so long that multiple sessions are needed as layers are pealed back with each meeting. The journey in this healing process is personal, I’ve been apart of sessions that are an hour long, and others that are four hours long, it’s all up to the work the receiver is willing to do and be honest about. The beauty of these sessions is that it’s a safe space to get healed…no recordings, no gossiping, and no sharing outside of who is facilitating. God holds those accountable to what is revealed, and He takes the care of His children very serious. Healing is available to each of us, if you feel you are struggling in an area and would like more information on Inner Healing, email with the subject line “Inner Healing”.
